


The minimum purchase is RM50 excluding shipping fee and discount voucher.


  • 1) Delivery within Klang Valley will be completed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Delivery fee is RM12 and FREE for orders over RM210 (
  • RM12 will not be refunded for self-pickup or customer-arranged collection.

  • 巴生谷地区的配送将在每周二、周四和周六完成。配送费为RM12,订单超过RM210可享受免费配送。

    2) Delivery fee within Greater Klang Valley is RM27 with RM12 OFF for orders above RM210. Please purchase the "Coverage Cost RM15" from the product listing to proceed (refer to HOMEPAGE).


    “Coverage Cost RM15”(参阅主页)

    3) INTERSTATE Delivery is RM30 with RM12 OFF for orders over RM210. Please purchase from the product listing "GKV RM18" from the product listing to proceed (refer to HOMEPAGE).

    州际配送费用为RM30,订单超过RM210可享RM12优惠。请从产品列表中购买“GKV RM18”

    (请参阅主页).The minimum purchase amount is RM100 and we do not cover ODA areas.


We apologise for the recent increase of delivery fee following the rise in petrol price.

  • Contact Number: 012-5986131








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